Do This For 2 Minutes And You’ll Be Able To Get Rid Of Your Underarm Hair Naturally

Get rid of CHEMICAL formulas to remove underarm hair and try one of these NATURAL ways. All of these ideas are effective and easy to follow!

underarm hair

The armpit care is encouraged for good health and less sweat. There is a need to adopt natural hair removal formulas as you will not experience severe side effects of chemical solutions available in the market.

Sugar pack and lemon

Make a paste by mixing one tablespoon of sugar with two tablespoon lemon juice. Apply the paste in your underarm heading the direction where the hair grows from. Leave it for a short while and wipe with a cloth. The paste lightens your skin and removes the hair.


Take two cups of sugar, ¼ cup of lemon juice and ¼ cup of water. Mix the ingredients and heat for twenty minutes. Cool, the brown sugaring paste and store in a tight hair container. Take the cold sugaring paste and apply under your cleaned armpit by pressing it on the skin. The application is made in the opposite direction of your hair growth. After that, rinse your underarm with a clean cloth. The armpit hair will remove quickly.

Egg and corn flour pack

This features a white egg, one teaspoonful of cornflour and a teaspoon of sugar. Quickly apply the paste under your arms and allow it to dry, later, peel off the dried paste. It will come out with the hair. The procedure should be done weekly for excellent results.

Turmeric pack and milk

Mix turmeric with milk in required measurements to make a thick paste. Apply the paste under your arms. Soak a towel in warm water and use it in cleaning the armpit. You can repeat the procedure for several times. The paste works by loosening hair follicles hence removing the hair.

Gelatin peel-off remover

It works like sugar wax. The ingredients needed are; water, cucumber, gelatin, aloe Vera, green tea bag and lemon juice.Grind the cucumber to prepare the juice. Make the green tea separately and mix the products to make the paste. Wash the armpits and dry them. Later, apply the paste and wait to dry, then remove it off.

Thanaka- Safflower Remedy

The safflower made from Thanaka powder and safflower oil for making the paste. Apply the paste under your arms and have it overnight. In the morning, wash with water, and this could make a permanent way of hair removal.

Basil onion paste

Did you know that onion can also remove your unwanted hair apart from cooking? Well, get the transparent onion membranes. Crush with the basil leaves to get the paste. Apply the paste on your hair and leave it for some time. Wash it off and repeat the trend for some time.

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