8 Stunning Flowers With 4 Petals

Make your monotonous landscape stand out on the block with the unmatched beauty of these stunning Flowers with 4 Petals!

If you want to bring diversity to your dull garden with multi-petalled colorful blooms, explore this list of beautiful flowering specimens.

Flowers with 4 Petals

1. Sweet Alyssum

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Botanical Name – Lobularia maritima

Native to the Mediterranean, this short-lived perennial boasts tiny fragrant 4-5 petalled blooms in spring and fall. Songbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators often visit its blooms for nectar.

2. Western Wallflower

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shutterstock/Martha Marks

Botanical Name – Erysimum capitatum

This perennial beautifies landscapes with bright yellow to orange that are up to an inch long. Each flower features 5/8 inch four oval petals.

3. Heartleaf Bittercress

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shutterstock/Michael Stubben

Botanical Name – Cardamine cordifolia

A member of the Cruciferae family, the heartleaf bittercress attracts with its white blossoms. These flowers have four petals that are arranged in a cross, hence the family’s name.

4. French Willow

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Botanical Name – Epilobium angustifolium

French willow is a perennial wildflower that can grow up to 2-5 feet tall with 1-1.5 inch pink to magenta-purple flowers. To get more blooms, remove the spent flowers before they develop seeds.

5. Elkweed

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shutterstock/Pierre Williot

Botanical Name – Frasera speciosa

Elkweed is popular for its pale green flowers that appear only once in a plant’s lifetime. This specimen also offers long, blade-like green foliage.

6. Rose bluet

Rose bluet

Botanical Name – Houstonia rosea

Adorned with four-petalled purple blooms, this plant is a common sight in pastures, waste fields, and roadsides. These flowers can easily become 4 cm in height.

7. Chinese Privet

Chinese Privet Flower

Botanical Name – Ligustrum sinense

Chinese privet is a highly invasive evergreen shrub with clusters of creamy white flowers that are quite unpleasant in odor. This spring bloomer prefers full sun but can tolerate partial shade too.

8. Hoptree

Hoptree Flower with 4 Petal
shutterstock/Lipatova Maryna

Botanical Name – Ptelea trifoliata

Hoptree stands out in its native habitat with its greenish-white to greenish-yellow flowers. It can be easily seen in rocky bluffs, open woodlands, and river bluffs.

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